We have had reports of several individuals that have tried to start escrow transactions for the sale of cars, and other goods by putting the buyer in touch with individuals claiming to be "Account Managers" or "Representatives" of I Escrow, Inc. or iEscrow.com.
Also, various scammers have been using the domain www.iescrow-payments.com. This site is not affiliated with iEscrow.com. Do not send any money to any person affiliated with this site. These people, working primarily out of Great Britain, communicate only via email and ask individuals to send money via Western Union or Money Gram. First, iEscrow does not use either of these services. Furthermore, all iEscrow representatives will instruct you to login directly to our website in order to engage in any transactions. To do so please verify the (www.iescrow.com) in the address bar. Then, for you protection, please put your mouse over the Red and Blue globe image on the bottom right hand corner of the home page to verify you are on the official iEscrow website. If you are contacted by any such individuals please send an email to admin@iescrow.com with all details of the communication.